
_Sean R. Flynn
_Construction Management

____________Wellington Condominiums
____________Exton, Pennsylvania

Green Design

-Trends in Stone have Reach New Levels at Flynn Stone

2006 herald the dynamic shift in direction for Flynn Stone when it went from being a hard-working Pennsylvania bluestone operation to a full-scale precision, engineered fabricator. Read More.


This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Thesis Research - Formwork Decision Process Model


Date Announcement
4.15.07 Updated Website and Added NEW THESIS RESEARCH ICONS
4.7.07 Posted Final Report
2.15.07 Thesis Research Breadths Complete and Presented Presentation Outline
2.7.07 Updated CPEP and Conducted Interviews
1.22.07 Posted Question(s) Over Construction Listserve and Met with Consultant
1.22.07 Thesis Proposal Approved and Posted to CPEP
12.16.06 Updated CPEP and Technical Assignment 2 and 3
12.6.06 Thesis Proposal Posted
11.29.06 Thesis Proposal Presentation
11.21.06 Technical Assignment 3 Posted
11.3.06 October 13, 2006 Project Photos Posted
11.1.06 Building Statistics Part 2 Posted
10.30.06 NEW! Features and Project Photos
10.29.06 Technical Assignment 2 Posted
10.12.06 Bio Updated and Posted
10.10.06 Abstract Posted
10.9.06 Updated Website and Added Features
10.6.06 Technical Assignment 1 Posted
10.4.05 Abstract Completed
9.6.05 Started 5th year course work


An interactive web tool called: “Formwork Decision Process Model” has been created that any construction industry personnel can interact with to gain a sense of the complicated decisions that go into utilizing a new formwork product.

This tool uses the process models created in research development in an easily viewable web format. The tool can guide any user step by step until the project has reached an end to the decision making process of formwork systems.


Senior Thesis Sponsored By:

Hankin Group



Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on April 26, 2007 , By Sean Flynn and is hosted by the AE Department ©2006