Technical Assigment 1:
Technical Assignment 1 examines the designed structural systems for the Howard County Hospital Addition. It includes detailed descriptions of the floor, roof, lateral, and foundation systems. Also, the codes and material properties utilized for design are listed and referenced.
Calculations were performed to determine the building's gravity and lateral loads, then spot checks of typical elements were done to check the adequacy of various member. Appendices are included at the end that include calculations and spreadsheets for the report.
To view a PDF of Technical Assignment 1, CLICK HERE.
Technical Assigment 2:
Technical Assignment 2 investigates the existing composite framing and four alternate floor systems. The systems explored were:
1. Existing Composite System
2. Two Way Concrete Flat Plate
3. Two Way Concrete Flat Slab
4. Open Web Steel Joists
5. Hollow Core Precast Planks
Calculations were performed and design aides were used where applicable to design a typical bay. A spreadsheet summary compares and contrasts the five different floor systems.
To view a PDF of Technical Assignment 2, CLICK HERE.
Technical Assignment 3:
Technical Assignment 3 is a lateral analysis of the hospital addition. Seismic and Wind load cases were checked to identify the controlling case. Estimates were made as to how the lateral loads are distributed to each of the 19 moment frames. These values were compared to those obtained through a RAM model. Drift was checked for both load cases. Finally, spot checks of typical lateral members were performed in order to verify the accuracy of the computer model.
To view a PDF of Technical Assignment 3, CLICK HERE.