Analysis 1: Precast Concrete Planks vs. Composite Slab
1. American Institute of Steel Construction. Steel construction manual, American Institute of Steel Construction 2005.
The Steel Manual provided the single plate connection for my structural design.
2. Waier, Phillip R., RS Means Building Construction Cost Data, 21st ED Western Edition. 2008.
R.S. Means provided unit costs for 8x10 steel beams.
3. “Vulcraft Steel Roof and Floor Deck,” Nucor Corp- Vulcraft Group 2007, March 2008.
From the Vulcraft Steel Roof and Floor Deck catalog, I was able to choose my composite slab system for my structural design.
4. Architectural Engineering Faculty: Professor Parfitt, Professor Hanagan
The AE Faculty aided me in my composite slab design.
Analysis 2: Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS) vs. Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC)
1. ASHRAE, 2005 ASHRAE – Fundamentals. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, GA. 2001.
The ASHRAE Handbook provided me with the heat transfer equation needed to calculate the summer heat gain and winter heat loss for the two facade systems.
2. PCI Committee on Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Panels. GFRC- Recommended Practice- MNl-128-01:Recommended Practice for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Chicago, IL: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute ,2001.
The GFRC-Recommended Practice guidebook provided me with information about the GFRC panels such as weight, thermal quality, and the prefabrication process.
3. RS Means, Repair & Remodeling Cost Data, R.S. Means Company. Kingston, MA 1996.
R.S. Means provided unit costs for maintenance of the two facade systems.
4. Waier, Phillip R., RS Means Building Construction Cost Data, 21st ED Western Edition. 2008.
R.S. Means provided unit costs for the sheathing, metal studs, and insulation.
5. Stein, Benjamin. Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings 9th ed. Wiley 2000.
The Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings book provided R-values and U-value equations for the two facade systems.
6. Lindeburg, Michael R, Engineering Economics Analysis- An Introduction. Professional Publications, Inc., Belmont, CA 2001.
The Engineering Economics book provided present-value and future-value equations to calculate the lifecycle costs.
7. Products/ Gypsum Boards and Drywall. Georgia-Pacific- Building Products. March 2008.
From the Georgia-Pacific Building Products website, I was able to choose sheathing and drywall for my two facade systems.
8. Architectural Engineering Grad Student: Andreas Phelps
Andreas Phelps aided me in my facade analysis.
9. Architectural Engineering 5th Year Students
Analysis 3: 4D Modeling as a Comparison Tool
1. Architectural Engineering Faculty and Grad Students: Professor Messner, Craig Dubler, and Rob Leicht
The AE Faculty and grad students helped me with my 4D Modeling Analysis.