Thesis Proposal
Depth Analysis: Lighting
The lighitng depth analysis focuses on the redesign of the system in four spaces throughout the first floor of the building. THe four spaces include the Tower Entrance Lobby, the large classroom auditorium, the Cafe DUSON student lounge, and the Champagne Courtyard. the main goal of the lighting design is to enhance and compliment the architecture of the spaces, while maintaining maximum flexibitily with the use of controls.
Depth Analysis: Electrical
The electrical redesing focuses on a few areas of study, which inlcude the redesign of branch circuiting for the four redesigned lighting spaces. Another area is a protection device coordination study with short circuit calculations. The final two areas are analizing and possibly changing the distributive transformer system into a centralized transformer system andinvestigating the use of energy efficient transformers.
Breadth Analysis: Acoustical
The acoustical breadth will look at the acoustical quality of the Cafe DUSON student lounge. Based on the architectural materials used and the physical qualities of the space, the space has a potential to be a acoustically uncomfortable space. Once analyized an acoustical solution will be proposed.
Breadth Analysis: Mechanical
As a compliment to the lighting redesign in the Café DUSON, I am proposing an integration of the currently exposed mechanical system and my new lighting into the architecture of the space. I plan on creating false beams, which appear to be structurally supporting the ceiling, but in actuality they are hiding the main ambient light fixtures as well as the mechanical equipment. This mechanical integration will entail changing the round ducts to rectangular ducts and modifying diffuser locations.
Updated Thesis Proposal- Full
This updated proposal reflects changes to the original proposal based on comments from Lighting and Electrical Advisors.
Executive Summary and Breadth Topics (pdf 30 kb)
Updated Thesis Prosoposal- 2/1/08
(PDF 1.05 mb)
Thesis Proposal (pdf 1.05 mb)