Technical Assignments
Technical Assignment #1
In this first technical report the existing structural sytem is introduced through a detailed description of the foundation, floor, column and lateral systems. Structural elements are analyzed including a preliminary study of the lateral force resisting system, spot checks of gravity, lateral, and snow loads.
Technical Assignment #2
This second report is an investigation into possible alternative floor systems for Southtown Building No. 5. The alnernatives designed and analyzed include composte steel, girder-slab, two- way waffle slab, and two-way post tensioned flat plate.
Technical Assignment #3
In the third technical report the existing lateral system is evaluated. Both seismic and wind forces are calculated and distributed to the lateral force resisting system. Spot checks of lateral elements are done in both the E-W and N-S direction. Total building deflection is evaluated and compared to the industry standard H/400.