Though the existing lighting design is functional, it does not meet the power density guidelines in ASHRAE 90.1. Also, the current design does not represent all of my design criteria. More could be done to tie all the public spaces together with a lighting theme.
The proposed lighting design in my Technical Report #3 meets much of my functional design criteria. This includes some psychological impressions (such as spaciousness), illuminating wall-mounted displays to create visual interest, providing higher Illuminance values where needed to complete particular tasks, and other considerations. However, I will respond to the lighting designer comments from Lutron by reexamining each of the four spaces. I seek to solidify a lighting concept which ties all four of my spaces together.
Since an integral part of the Norfolk community is water, my lighting concept will incorporate more aquatic themes. As a cruise terminal, the public spaces should reflect a fun and entertaining mood. For social gatherings, the public spaces should meet a new set of criteria, and have the potential to be transformed into a slightly more elegant setting. Different light levels, sparkle, kinetic light, LEDs, different accenting techniques, and other factors will all be considered beyond the criteria established in my Technical Report #3.
In addition, I will evaluate the feasibility of incorporating daylight into the Waiting Area / Ticket Lounge with skylights.
The existing power distribution design meets the needs of the cruise terminal. However, since the proposed lighting design changes the loads, circuit breakers panels and other electrical equipment will need to be resized accordingly.
New loads will be calculated according to my lighting design. Specifically, the panels that provide power for my four spaces will need to be investigated and possibly altered. A protective device coordination study will be done, and calculations of short circuit will be included. In addition, I will perform a short circuit analysis, protective device coordination, arc fault study for the entire distribution system, starting at the service entrance and covering all panelboards. Analysis will be performed using SKM software.
The current lighting design for the large Waiting Area / Ticket Lounge space does not use energy efficiency according to ASHRAE 90.1. I plan to redesign the lighting for this space and show a reduction in power consumption and lighting levels.
Breadth Overview
The Waiting Area / Ticket Lounge space is roughly 11,500 square feet. In addition to a gather space for cruise passengers before departure, this room is capable of supporting large social gatherings due to its unobstructed floor plan. It could be advantageous to incorporate daylight into the space by using skylights. Incorporating skylights into the large Waiting Area / Ticket Lounge space will alter the roof design and increase solar heat gain.
Mechanical Breadth
With the addition of these skylights, it is anticipated that daylight would be the main source of illumination during the day. Electrical light consumption would be reduced, but there would be a change in the mechanical loads due to solar heat gain. I propose to investigate the solar heat gain in the Waiting Area / Ticket Lounge.
Structural Breadth
I propose to analyze if the existing structural elements will support skylights. If skylights will not be supported, I will propose adjustments to the design so that skylight additions could be realized.