Thesis Proposal

Revised Proposal (2.23.2009)

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This proposal serves as an outline for the specific issues that I plan on researching and analyzing during the spring semester pertaining to 801 17th Street NW, Washington DC, the site of Lafayette Tower. After a brief background on the project, three topic areas will be explored include a critique of the buildings column-free perimeters from both a construction management and structural point of view and the implementation of solar design.  



Original Proposal (12.12.2008)

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This proposal serves as an outline for the specific issues that I plan on researching and analyzing during the spring semester pertaining to 801 17th Street NW, Washington DC, the site of Lafayette Tower. After a brief background on the project, three topic areas will be explored include the addition of solar trackers, an evaluation of demolishing the existing foundation and foundation walls, and a critique of the buildings column-free perimeters.  


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Justin |
This Page was last updated on February 23, 2009 , By Justin Wingenfield and is hosted by the AE Department ©2008