AE 481W/ 482 Course Reflection
The AE Senior Thesis Project was demanding and challenging, yet a valuable learning experience. The Thesis course allowed me to work on a specific project and set an agenda for redesign of several building components. Throughout the year long process, I gained a better understanding of integrated building systems, the design process, and project management.
Course difficulties include obtaining a complete set of working drawings in a timely manner and receiving appropriate feedback on areas of my building where I lacked adequate information. The ability to balance Thesis coursework with my other courses also proved to be a challenge in time management. Additionally, this 4-credit course requires more work by the lighting and electrical faculty than the course credits received.
The most valuable component of the AE Senior Thesis Project was the interaction with professionals. My presentation at Lutron was a great opportunity to share my redesign to experienced professionals and receive feedback and advice beyond that of my advisors. Along with this presentation, my written reports and final presentation further developed my communication skills. The ability to convey my work, research, and redesign in an appropriate manner is a skill that will help me throughout my professional career.
CPEP and Discussion Board Reflection
An important component of the AE Senior Thesis Project was the design and maintenance of a Capstone Project e-Portfolio. This e-Portfolio summarizes our thesis work in a readily accessible form. As an effective tool for documenting, organizing, and presenting project accomplishments throughout the year, the e-Portfolio is a readily accessible means for advisors, mentors, and potential employers to view my progress.
The AE Senior Thesis discussion board was a helpful tool that allowed students to ask thesis-related questions to industry professionals. Though I did not utilize the discussion board as often as I could have, I was glad to know this feature was available for attaining reliable information from experienced professionals. I appreciate all of the thesis assistance provided by the discussion board members as many answers were relevant to several student projects.
For an ABET assessment of the AE Senior Thesis Courses, AE 481W and AE 482, click the link below.
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