*Important Note: These outcomes reflect a personal (student) assessment of the course, not the instructor's assessment
Senior Thesis Reflection (AE481W, AE482, and AE897G):
The Senior Thesis Capstone Project was a great way to integrate five years of Architectural Engineering studies at Penn State. The three technical assignments performed in the fall semester helped gain a better understanding of all design and construction aspects of the Geisinger Grays Woods Ambulatory Care Campus Phase II Project. The findings within these technical reports allowed for areas of concern or interest to be identified in the final proposal, which outlined the depth and breadth analyses to be performed in AE 482/897G. The spring semester consisted in performing research in all three identified analysis to reduce construction costs, accelerate schedule, and improve overall construction process of the project. The results of these analyses were detailed in a final written report and through a final presentation.
Overall, the entirety of the senior thesis project was great and beneficial learning opportunity. Senior thesis taught me how to evaluate a project effectively and propose alternate means or methods that could improve the overall quality of the project. Despite the massive amounts of work and dedication necessary to present thorough analyses, AE Senior Thesis has proven to be one of the most rewarding experiences throughout my studies at Pen State University.
CPEP Reflection:
The Capstone Project E-Portfolio serves as an effective tool for documenting and displaying the work completed during the whole thesis process. Considering that I had no prior knowledge in website design, this was a challenging process which required additional efforts to create a unique online portfolio. In overcoming these obstacles, I believe this website was a very useful tool to communicate my assignments and research to the faculty members for effective grading. In addition, it allows for industry professionals, students, friends and family to review the work accomplished throughout the course.