Yuka Narisako was born in Japan and legally immigrated to the United State in 1996 via airplane, where she landed in the suburbs of Chicago. She has since migrated to the East Coast, where she enjoys in-state tuition at Penn State. She is a fifth year Architectural Engineering major specializing in the Mechanical Option, and will graduate in May 2015 with both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Architectural Engineering, as well as a minor in Architectural Studies.
Upon graduation she will move to Boston to work as an HVAC Engineer at BR+A Consulting Engineers, where she interned in the summer of 2014. During her internship at BR+A, she had the opportunity to work on several large-scale hospital and laboratory work, particularly the MIT.nano building at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the renovation of the Ariad Pharmaceuticals Headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the summer of 2013 she studied abroad in Rome, Italy to study architecture. She also traveled to London afterwards, where she attempted to enter MI6 to find a James Bond gift shop and was promptly rejected by security.
On campus, Yuka is a staff writer for Onward State, where she enjoys writing about student life at Penn State. She is also a member of the Penn State student chapter of ASHRAE. Yuka was a teaching assistant for EDSGN 130 for four semesters as well as the grader for Math 250- Differential Equations for four semesters. Outside of the classroom, Yuka is a woman of simple tastes. She is an accomplished power walker, flutist, and self-acclaimed master chef. Her hobbies include napping, watching gymnastics, and having fun.