Student Biography
Building Statistics
Thesis Abstract
Technical Assignments
Final Presentation
Final Report


Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work in progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Anderson Clemenceau. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.

Technical Assignments

Technical Assignment 1

This technical report is designed to evaluate compliance with the 2013 editions of ASHRAE 62.1 and ASHRAE 90.1. ASHRAE 62.1 is a standard for ventilation and indoor air quality (IAQ), while ASHRAE 90.1 is a standard for energy use in buildings. The building being evaluated in this report is the Ed Roberts Campus, an education and community center in Berkeley, CA with a focus on supporting Americans with disabilities.
The ERC was evaluated against ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality and found to be in compliance. All systems and equipment was compared to the requirements in Section 5 and, where appropriate information was available, were found to meet the standard. The ventilation loads were calculated per procedures in Section 6 and compared to the capacities of the Outdoor Air system and found to be well above requirements.
The ERC was then compared to ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings and found to be in general compliance. The building envelope was compared to the requirements in Section 5 of the standard and was compliant in most areas as information was available. Section 6, on HVAC equipment and efficiency, was also evaluated and the building was compliant in all applicable areas of
the standard.


Technical Assignment 2

The objective of this report is to model and analyze the loads and energy use of the Ed Roberts
Campus. Trane Trace 700 was the software used to model the building and is an industry standard program for energy modeling. About 130 rooms were grouped and entered in the program as 60 different spaces based on load type and usage. These rooms were zoned under their respective air handling units before the program performed calculations on loads and energy use for the entire building.
The model calculated that the Ed Roberts Campus has a total cooling load of 2,777.3 MBh and a total heating load of 1814.5 MBh. This was found to be drastically different than the design cooling and heating loads of 381 MBh and 1051 MBh, respectively. The reasons for these discrepencies are unclear, but can be mostly attributed to difficulty modeling the exact system layout in Trace 700. A model performed by the design engineers was unavailable for comparison.
Trace calculated that the ERC’s annual utility costs will amount to $62,168. The largest consumption of energy by any one system was by the cooling equipment which accounted for more than half the energy costs for most months of the year.
Emissions data was not calculated by Trace 700 due to unknown errors in the modeling process.
However, by referenecing emissions data published by the electric service company, PG&E, it was estimated that the electric demand of the ERC would account for approximately 541,342.5 Lbs/Yr of CO2.


Technical Assignment 3

This technical report examines the specific equipment and operation of the mechanical system of the Ed Roberts Campus.  Included in the report is a summary of design ventilation and conditioning loads, a detailed description of mechanical equipment, schematic operation diagrams and descriptions, and an evaluation of LEED points for the building mechanical system. 
As investigated fully in Technical Report 2, the results from the energy model proved to be inflated when compared to the actualy design loads and capacities of the building.  However, these design loads represent a building that works efficiently for the moderate climate zone of Berkeley, CA.   
The Ed Roberts Campus uses 100% Outdoor Air to ventilate and condition the spaces within, and the five Air Handling Units provide a total of 278,000 cfm of airflow to the building.  59 Water Source Heat Pumps meet the majority of the cooling load with zone level control for each space.  A total of nine exhaust fans remove all air from the building and basement parking garage.  Chilled water for the HVAC system is supplied by two rooftop cooling towers.  Hot water for the HVAC system is supplied by two gas-fired boilers in the rooftop mechanical room.  In addition to the airside cooling and heating capabilities, a radiant floor system meets some of the load in the large open lobby and courtyard spaces and is supplied by the same hot and chilled water as the airside equipment. 

The building owners believe that if LEED certification was applied for, a rating of LEED Gold could be acheived.  While a complete evaluation is out of the scope of this report, an evaluation of small sections of LEED 2009 For New Buildings and Major Renovations shows that a total of 6 points could be gained from the Energy and Atmophere section, as well as 7 points from the Indoor Environmental Quality section.  These points were based on information readiliy available, and it is possible that more points could be awarded.





News Feed

4/22/2015 - CPEP Completed

4/22/2015 - CPEP Reflection Posted

4/22/2015 - ABET Assessment Posted

4/21/2015 - Final Presentation Posted

4/21/2015 - Final Report Posted

3/30/2015 - Presentation Outline Posted

1/19/2015 - Proposal Updated and Posted

12/12/2014 - Proposal Posted

11/11/2014 - Tech Report 3 Posted

10/21/2014 - Building Statistics 2 Posted

10/20/2014 - Abstract Posted

10/06/2014 - Tech Report 2 Posted

10/06/2014 - Tech Report 1 Posted

09/16/2014 - Building Statistics 1 Posted

09/15/2014 - CPEP Full Functionality

09/08/2014 - CPEP Home Page Draft

09/02/2014 - CPEP Seminar

09/01/2014 - Project Initiation Forms

08/26/2014 - Personal Thank You Sent

08/25/2014 - Documents Received

07/24/2014 - Owner Permission Obtained



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Last updated on 4/22/2015 by Anderson Clemenceau and is hosted by the AE Department 2014