Adam Finley

Construction Management
Health and Counseling Services Building
University Park, Pennsylvania

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Adam Finley's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Progress Log

Date Announcement
3.9.07 Meeting with John Bechtel and Ian Solada to discuss PSU in-house Commissioning
3.2.07 Meeting with Tom Ertsgard (OPP Enviromental Systems) to discuss PSU in-house Commissioning

Conference call with John Bechtel (Assistant Director at OPP) and Stephen Halsted (Sebesta Blomberg) to discuss PSU Commissioning

Meeting with Chad Spackman (OPP Project Manager) to discuss LEED Job Conference for Febuary

2.16.07 Met with John Elder (Aramark Commissioning Manager) to discuss PSU Commissioning
2.13.06 Met with Dave Zehngut (University Architect) to discuss Penn State LEED/ Green Construction credit implementation.
2.12.06 Met with Dick Harris ( University Electrical Engineer) to discuss requirements and sizing issues for emergency electrical analysis.
2.9.06 Met with Dr. Freihaut ( AE Mechanical Faculty) to dicuss addition of mehcanical breadth to thesis proposal.
2.9.06 Met with Chad Spackman (OPP Project Manager) to discuss three analysis.
2.5.08 Posted Question on Electrical Mentoring Board
2.1.08 Met with Dr. Horman (Thesis Advisor)
1.22.08-2.2.08 Contacted Industry Reps for Dpeth Analysis
1.19.08 Finished Revised Spring Schedule
1.10.08 Started Thesis Analysis
11.07.06 Started Problem Identification
10.20.06 Submitted Critical Industry Issues For Review
10.11.06 Met with PSU Project Manager to discuss Technical Assignment #2
10.3.06 Finished Technical Assignment #1
9.30.06 Worked on Thesis Abstract, Building Statistics, and Tech 1
9.29.06 Meeting with Chad Spackman (O.P.P. Project Manager)
09.14.06 Picked up Issue #2 Specifications
09.11.06 Picked up Issue #2 Drawings
09.05.06 Started 5th year course work
8.30.06 Picked up Issue #1 Drawings and Specifications, discussed project with OPP Project Manager Chad Spackman

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Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on March 6, 2007 , By Adam Finley and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005