Joshua McCall

Construction managment
Bloomingdales Department Store
Chevy Chase, MD

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


welcome to joshua mccalls ae senior thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments

Technical Assignment 1

Executive Summary

Exisiting Conditions

Complete Technical Report 1

Technical Assignment 1 includes the existing construction conditions and project management issues pertaining to the Bloomingdales projects located in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Within the existing construction conditions report, you may find the building systems summary, and project cost evaluations. The project management information includes a site plan of the existing conditions, a summary of local condtions, an overview of Bloomingdales client information, the project delivery system, and Buch's staffing plan.

Technical Assignment 2

Executive Summary

Complete Technical Report 2

This report will familiarize the cost and methods analyses used . This report includes a Primavera project schedule, planning of the site layout, detailed structural system estimate, curtain wall estimate and general conditions.

Technical Assignment 3

Executive Summary

Complete Technical Report 3

This outlines preliminary step towards the research performed during the spring semester. The report encloses a summary of critical industry issues presented during the PACE Roundtable, a choosen topic ofresearch that will be investigated in further detail, problem identification of building systems and the technical analyses pertaining to them.

Research Topic


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab |
This Page was last updated on January 17, 2007 , By Joshua McCall and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005