Kate Feato

Penn State

Architectural Engineering

Lighting/Electrical Option

Mcinturff Architects


Woolly Mammoth Theatre

641 D Street NW,

Washington DC


This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Kate's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Kate's Biography

            Kate Feato is currently in her fifth and final year at the Pennsylvania State University.  She will graduate in May with a BAE degree in architectural engineering, with an option in lighting and electrical design. 
            Kate chose to attend Penn State because of its large school atmosphere, high school spirit and very good academics in engineering.  After researching many types of engineering the school had to offer, architectural engineering was the best fit.  Kate has always had an artistic flair, while being talented in math and science areas.
            Aside from being an AE, Kate has taken advantage of many other opportunities at Penn State.  She has been a dedicated member of the Women’s Club Lacrosse team for five years, taking the role of Treasurer for two.  She is currently the IES Penn State Chapter president as well as a student member of the IALD.
            Kate furthered her education by participating in two internships in the architectural lighting design field.  The first was spent in Orlando Florida working for Gallegos Lighting Design.  This past summer Kate spent her time interning for C.M. Kling and Associates Inc in Washington DC.   In both of these internships Kate had the opportunity to work directly with the principal lighting designers for both summers.
            In the fall of 2005, Kate took advantage of the Penn State study abroad program.  She went to Leeds University in England.  She was enrolled in the College of Engineering, taking three architecture courses and three structural courses.  During her time at Leeds University, Kate enjoyed the chance to join the women’s lacrosse team. While being in Europe, she also spent a month backpacking through Spain and Italy, and took weekend trips to travel through England, Ireland and Scotland.    Living abroad for the semester has changed her life.  Seeing the amazing architecture and meeting people from around the world was a life altering experience. 
            Graduating in May, Kate is ready to take the leap into the real world.  She plans to become a “painter of light” entering the architectural lighting design field.  She will be begin her career in Orlando FL working for the Gallegos Lighting Design, a subsidiary of GRG Inc.

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Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 6, 2007 , By Kate Feato and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005