Eric Alwine

Structural Option
George Read Hall
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


Born and raised in Hanover, Pennsylvania, Eric attended Southwestern High School and graduated with the class of 2001. Eric was accepted into The Pennsylvania State University to begin the fall 2001 semester in the Bachelor of Architectural Engineering major. He officially declared a structural emphasis in the spring semester of his third year. Eric was recently accepted into the integrated Bachelor/Master of Architectural Engineering program and is planning to graduate in December 2006. While not attending classes during the summer, Eric utilized his education by working two summers at the structural consulting firm, Skarda and Associates. He is currently serving as the fifth year representative for the Student Society of Architectural Engineers. Eric has also passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam in April 2004, and plans to work toward his PE license after graduation.


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This Page was last updated on October 25, 2005 , by Eric Alwine and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005