Timothy Mueller

FDA-CDRH Laboratory
Silver Spring, MD

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Tim Mueller's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Progress Log


Date Announcement
TODAY Newest announcements are added to the top
04.28.06 End of 5th year course work
04.21.06 Reflection Posted
04.11.06 Presented Thesis
04.08.06 Final Presentation Posted
04.01.06 Final Report Posted
03.01.06 February, March, and April Calendars Posted
01.15.06 January Calendar and Semester Schedule Posted
01.11.06 Thesis Proposal , Breadth 1 & Breadth 2 Accepted
01.09.06 Beginning of Spring 2006 Semester
12.16.05 End of Fall 2005 Semester
12.10.05 Proposal , Breadth 1 & Breadth 2 Posted
11.21.05 Techincal Assignment 3 Posted
10.31.05 Techincal Assignment 2 Posted
10.12.05 Building Abstract Posted
10.05.05 Techincal Assignment 1 Posted

Bio Statement & Resume Posted

09.19.05 Building Statistics Posted

Start 5th year course work










January Calendar











February Calendar











March Calendar











April Calendar


Semester Calendar

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Tim Mueller |
This Page was last updated on May 1, 2006 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005