Heather Stapel


Mechanical Building Systems
Eberly Campus Community Center
Uniontown, PA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

AE Senior Thesis 2007

- Capstone Design Project E-Portfolio -


Thesis Proposal


Proposal Addendum click Addendum Addendum

For the full Proposal in PDF format click Proposal

For the Executive Summary click Executive

For the Breadth Executive Summary click Breadth

The Eberly Campus Community Center has been in operation for about three years. Because it is an existing and operational building, the proposed work has been for a building renovation. For the mechanical renovation, several alternatives have been proposed, while the final alternative, alternative 7, contains the proposed breadth ideas. Every alternative shall be considered and completed. The proposed work has been broken down into alternatives to be more manageable and provide a variety of choices for the supposed building owner.


Below are the original planned options. The current proposal includes parts of alternatives 1, 2, 5, and breadth topics of structural, electrical, and acoustical considerations.

Alternative 1: Pressing Problems............................................................Here the current moisture and mold problems will be addressed as well as options to increase facility use.

Alternative 2: Mechanical System Redesign........................................With the redesign, energy inefficiencies will be countered with the applicaiton of DOAS systems and radiant panels, as well as the addition of thermal storage and water side free cooling, and the possibility of using the fountain/water feature as a heat rejection loop.

Alternative 3: Plumbing System Energy Efficiency Measures............The plumbing fixtures will be evaluated for water use, and a grey water collection system will be employed to service the building toilets.

Alternative 4: Renewable Energy Sources..........................................Several typical Pennsylvania renewable energy sources will be employed such as solar panels, evacuated tubes, and wind turbines.

Alternative 5: LEED EB Certification....................................................The current goal is to gain enough LEED EB points for a Certified rating.

Alternative 6: Carbon Neutral Building...............................................Currently, the aim is to achieve a 50% carbon neutral project in energy use and emissions.

Alternative 7: Breadth Topics: Acoustics and Lighting Redesign.......Several spaces shall be evaluated acoustically, and the lighting system shall be redesigned to reduce lighting power consumption.

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on April 7, 2007 , By Heather Stapel and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005