Timothy H Park

Structural Option
901 New York Avenue
Washington, D.C.

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Timothy Park's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio


Timothy Park has always been interested in construction, whether it was working on the house with his father since his childhood years, or designing mass metropolitan cities with Lego’s.  But it was only when he decided to come to Penn State that he finally decided to devote himself to the profession of Architectural Engineering.

Timothy is currently finishing his fifth year in Penn State’s ABET-accredited Architectural Engineering program in the structural option.  He plans to graduate in May 2007 with a Bachelor in Architectural Engineering and a minor in Architecture.  Tim has gained much valuable professional experience through many types of mediums during his college career.  He is extremely involved as a brother of the only co-ed professional fraternity for architecture and the allied arts (Alpha Rho Chi), serving as the president and the new member educator.  Serving in the fraternity has given Timothy much opportunity to develop himself beyond the limits of the classroom. Tim has also worked for GJAI Consulting Engineers, Inc. (MEP firm), TimHaahs & Associates (Civil and Structural Design Firm), Centre County Borough (IBC regulations), and HSMM (A/E firm).  Through these experiences, Tim has been able to apply class-learned information into the real world.

Some of Tim's hobbies include snowboarding, cooking, playing football and basketball, photography, and sketching. A current work-in-progress, Timothy's portfolio of his sketches, photographs, and perspective in architecture and art will be available shortly.

Post-graduation, Tim hopes to receive a position as a structural engineer with the option to work actively with architects as well.  He hopes to not only gain experience in building construction but also in design theory, as he looks to eventually go back to school to study the art of Architecture.

Click here to view Timothy Hyo Soon Park's resume.

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This Page was last updated on April 2, 2007 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005