Timothy H Park

Structural Option
901 New York Avenue
Washington, D.C.

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Timothy Park's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio


ABET Outcome Survey, Course and CPEP Reflection.

AE 481W / AE 482 Course Reflection

The Senior Thesis Project is a great opportunity for all Architectural Engineering students to show their true color. It is essentially a summary of all the work done in the past 5 years as a student and a statement to the real world that we are fully capable engineers, not just "entry-level." However, even though it is a summation of all courses taken before, there is little to prepare you for these two semesters.

Not many classes usually give you an entire building to analyze and assess within a locked time frame and without too much assistance from any professor. This proves to be a very great learning experience, as well as an extremely trying time. Structural analysis is difficult by hand, but even more confusing once trying to learn to use software that you have not previously learned before. My suggestion: do your best to learn as much software (ETabs, RAM, STADDPro, etc.) in your interships and/or your classes before starting AE 481W.

A "rough draft" final presentation might have better prepared many students for their actual FINAL final presentation. Outside of the lighting/electrical students, most of the other options do not experience how it is to be in the spotlight for 15 minutes explaining all the work they have done. Perhaps future AE 482 courses will have an earlier run-through with professors so that mistakes and other issues can be asessed before officially presenting before all of their peers, family, and rest of the faculty.

CPEP & Discussion Board Reflection

The CPEP site is a great way to ensure that senior students are on top of their work to everyone, not just their advisors. Templates and already organized formats help incredibly so that even the most unable student might be able to make a presentable site. The Discussion Board was extremely helpful to learn more about A/E properties, such as more details on P-T installation, LW concrete availability and feasibility, etc.

ABET Reflection

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This Page was last updated on May 10, 2007 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005