Andrew J. Covely

The Helena
601 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


Andrew is a fifth-year senior receiving a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering in May 2005. This site is the culmination of all the time and work he has put into his classes and research over the last four years. He began with an interest in architecture when he entered high school, but had a great experience when he took Honors Physics 1 during his senior year in high school. After that, he determined Architectural Engineering was more suitable to his interests and abilities. The structural option always stood out to him as the most interesting option because of the different types of structures which can be built, the different materials which can be used, and the integration of those materials which make the building structurally sound. This project will be his first extensive professional project and he is looking forward to putting his knowledge to work and continuing to gain experience with building structural systems. When he takes a break from his school work, he can always be found building scale model cars or striking at the bowling alley.

For a more detailed look at Andrew's professional references, his resume can be seen here.


This page was last updated on Monday, November 1, 2004.
This page was created by Andrew Covely and is hosted by the AE Department.