Technical Assignments
Structural Concepts/Structural Existing Conditions Report - 10/5/05
The first tecnichal assignment consists of a detailed summary of the Odyssey's existing structural systems. Evaluation of design concepts and structural loading under provisions of ASCE7-02 are carried out through preliminary design checks and investigations of typical gravity and lateral resisting systems including the floor system, cloumns, and shear walls.
Pro-Con Structural Study of Alternative Floor Systems - 10/31/05
The second tecnichal assignment is an analysis and comparison of alternative floor systems. Detail of each alternative design is located throughout the report with supporting references and calculations. Through a series of comparisons, an ideal alternative will be considered for furthr investigation as a replacment to the existing floor system.
Lateral System Analysis and Confirmation Design - 11/21/05
The third tecnichal assignment is an analysis and check of the lateral system(s). Lateral loads which control the design are determined and distributed throughout the lateral elements. Design checks including member strentghs, drift, and overturning are included in the report. Summaries provide a appropriate understanding of the lateral system and existing structural design.