Technical Assignments


Technical Assignment #1

Existing Construction Conditions


Executive Summary

Full Report


Existing Construction Conditions entails the development of a project summary schedule, a building systems analysis, and performing overall cost estimates. Construction Project Management deals with creating a site plan of existing conditions, researching the local construction market, defining the goals of Johns Hopkins University, and describing the construction staffing plan.


Technical Assignment #2


Executive Summary

Full Report


Cost and Methods Analysis explores a detailed project construction schedule, a detailed structural system estimate, an assemblies estimate for the exterior skin of JHUCC, a general conditions estimate, and a site logistics plan of the superstructure.


Technical Assignment #3


Executive Summary

Full Report


Alternative Methods and Research investigates the processes at JHUCC which affect the construction industry as a result of the PACE Roundtable. This assignment found three possible CM research issues and five possible breadth topics.









Bryan A. Quinn

Building Statistics

Thesis Abstract

Technical Assignments

Progress Log

Thesis Research

Thesis Proposal


Final Report


AE Thesis Studio

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