Welcome to Elizabeth Hostutler's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Elizabeth Hostutler's Biography

Elizabeth, prefers to go by Beth, attended Coatesville High School in Coatesville, PA. Upon high school graduation in 2001, she began her college experience at Penn State University majoring in Architectural Engineering, Structural Option. Beth is enrolled in the Integrated B.A.E./M.A.E. Program and will complete her studies in May 2006.

To supplement her classroom knowledge, Beth has had industry experience from two professional internships. She has spent her summers at O’Donnell, Naccarato, & MacIntosh, a structural engineering firm in Wilmington, DE, and SmithGroup, an Architecture/Engineering firm based in Detroit, MI. Her professional experience has helped Beth gain a true understanding of the industry and improved her structural software skills.

Outside the classroom, Beth is involved in a variety of activities. Beth is a grader for both Introductory Steel Design and Modern Structures. She is a member of Tau Beta Pi, the National Engineering Honor Society, and is secretary of Phi Alpha Epsilon, the National A. E. Honor Society. Beth is also the treasurer and a very active member of Penn State’s Chapter of the Structural Engineering Association. Additionally, she is an active participant in intramural softball and flag football and tries to get out of the labs as much as possible.

Click here for a full Resume. (pdf)

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on March 31, 2006 , By Elizabeth Hostutler and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005