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Thesis Proposal
Technical Analyses
Tilt up concrete panels
Since the Benner Pike Shops is consisted of concrete masonry units for most of its exterior wall system, it could be substituted to tilt up system.Tilt up system will save cost and time for the project and structural breathanalysis can be done through this study.
Reconfiguration of HVAC units
There are excessive number of HVAC units located on the rooftop for the existing design. Some of the units could be combined together forbetter efficiency. By combing, cost and time could be saved definitely.Mechanical breath analysis will be performed through this study.
Redesign of closing out plan and communication process
This analysis will focus more toward to research purpose. The generalcontractor of the Benner Pike Shops will be examined to find out whythey had integrated such closing out plan for the project and how they hadcome up with communication process. Also, several members of PACEmembers will be surveyed through e-mail to verify how it is done in the industry.