Joseph Bednarz

Structural Option
River Tower at Christina Landing
Wilmington, DE

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Progress Log


Date Professional Communication
9.23.05 Obtained permission from Mr. Sloniewski to use images from
9.07.05 Called Mr. Murphy for Building Statistics information
9.13.05 Obtained Specifications from Mr. Shahid
9.12.05 Obtained building rendering from Ms. Chesakova
9.07.05 Called Mr. Murphy for Building Statistics information
8.25.05 Obtained Geotech material from Mr. Shahid
8.25.05 Received official permission to use the River Tower at Christina Landing project


Date Announcement
4.24.06 Presentation (PDF) and (PPT) files uploaded
4.23.06 Thesis Reflection uploaded
4.23.06 Thesis Research page updated and reloaded
4.12.06 Presented in front of faculty and friends
4.03.06 Final Report uploaded
01.14.06 Revised Thesis Proposal updated and reloaded
12.11.05 Thesis Proposal first posted
11.21.05 Technical Report 3 uploaded
10.30.05 Technical Report 2 uploaded
10.11.05 Thesis Abstract page updated and reloaded
10.05.05 Technical Report 1 uploaded
9.26.05 Thesis Abstract page first posted
9.19.05 Personal Info page uploaded
9.19.06 Resume (PDF) uploaded
9.16.05 Building Statistics page uploaded
9.12.05 Website goes online
8.27.05 Started fifth year coursework


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on April 24, 2006 , By Joseph Bednarz and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005