Paseo Caribe Condominium Tower


Lourdes F. Diaz
Structural Designer
Building Location: Condado, Puerto Rico

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to STUDENT's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments



Technical Assignment 1

Executive Summary

This document provides a detailed description of the structural system comprising Paseo Caribe Condominium Tower and Parking Garage Complex. The report lays the foundation and assumptions that will be used for a more detailed analysis of this building by developing a symplified model for both lateral and gravity structural support systems.

Technical Assignment 2

This document provides a detailed analysis of the structural post tensioned floor system. It also analyzes four possible alternate systems to be considered for the structure's optimization of either cost, construction time, or ceiling height ratios. The systems proposed includes: two-way flat plate on columns, two way slab on transverse beams, one way hollow core slab, composite deck smartbeam design. The document consideratoins strenght, material quantity, deflections and fire rating calculations for each system.

Technical Assignment 3

This report provides a detail analysis of the lateral shear wall system in Paseo Caribe. The building is controlled by large seismic forces. The report includes both hand calculations and results from a finite element software model, Etabs. The report concludes with design checks for two critical walls in each direction for shear strength, combined bending and axial compression in the boundary zone, overturning, and torsion. Finally, a deflection criteria is calculated.

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