Sean C. Ehlers

Construction Management
McLean, VA

This is a Sean C. Ehlers-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Sean C. Ehlers' AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Final Report

The following report is a culmination of the past year's research and analysis of the Capital One Lecture Hall Addition. The main emphasis of the report is to reveal discrepencies within the Value Engineering process between design teams and general contractors/construction managers. Through the application of my depth research, three additional VE items are presented.

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

Project Background

     Client Informatin

     Projet Teams

     Staffing Plan

     Existing Construction Conditions

     Building Systems Summary

     Project Schedule

     Project Cost Summary



CM Research - Partnering for VE

     Executive Summary




     Results and Conclusions


     Application to Lecture Hall

Breadth Anaysis #1 - Steel Catwalk Alternatives

     Executive Summary



     System Comparisons


Breadth Analysis #2 - Boiler Alternative Evaluation

     Executive Summary



     System Comparisons


Breadth Analysis #3 - Foundation Shoring and Sequencing

     Executive Summary



     Actual Foundation Schedule

     Proposed Shoring

     Proposed Schedule

               Actual Foundation Sequence Video

               Revised Foundation Sequence and Shoring Video



     Appendix A - Existing Site and Utility Plan

     Appendix B - Project Schedule

     Appendix C - Research Survey

     Appendix D - Catwalk Calculations

     Appendix E - Detailed Catwalk Estimates

     Appendix F - Mechanical Calculations

     Appendix G - Shoring Calculations

     Appendix H - General Conditions

Works Cited


                              View my entire Final Report




Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Sean C. Ehlers |
This Page was last updated on April 20, 2006 , By Sean C. Ehlers and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005