Clement Fung

University of California Santa Barbara, Student Resource Building
Santa Barbara, CA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.




ABET Assessment























AE481W + AE482 Reflection

Of all the things I learned throughout this year long process, time management is indeed one of the most important lessons. If it wasn't for the constant schedules and checklists I had made for myself to keep track of what I have been doing, I dont think I would've been able to deliver the requirements for both AE 481W and 482. Surprisngly enough, I eventually made it and I owe it all to my peers, family and friends who have been there for me this past year.In comparison, 481W seemed relatively easier to manage then 482 since it was more structured. Technical assignments had specific time constraints whereas we were left to work at our own pace for 482 in the Spring.

Like all design problems, the process is iterative. Design never ends. In a way, it seemed that way when I was going through contemplating about the myriad of possiblities to redesign the spaces that I had chosen to focus on this past year. That being said, I am thankful that my building happened to be located in California, where building codes are more stringent, hence providing a means of filtering the number of possible solutions. Needless to say, it was a mixed blessing. It took a lot of trial and error before the final solutions were eventually conceived.

Time flew by this year. Though the process had been difficult and tiresome, it was a great way to wrap up all the things that we have learnt these past 5 years. No longer were we presented with a theoretical problem in class but instead, we were given a glimpse of what real design problems are like once we start work. Our solutions had to work within the context of the building we had chosen. for analysis.

Advice for future 5th years? If you find yourself stuck in the design process, take a break. Stop what you are doing and do something else. Maybe after a day or two you'll be able to approach the problem from an entirely new perspective.

CPEP Reflection

The CPEP website has been very helpful indeed. I found it to be a great way to keep track of my work. The website provides a platform for people to access my work from wherever they might be.

(Side Note: Even my parents found my CPEP through Google.)


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Clement Fung |
This Page was last updated on May 1, 2007 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005