Jeremy Jewart

Construction Management






Baldwin High School_______________________________Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


Jeremy's Bio

Jeremy grew up in a suburban town 35 miles northeast of downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. He developed an interest in building structures and how they should be put together during his early childhood years. Receiving Lego and Lincoln Log building sets served as the stepping stones to what will now be his career in the professional community. Progression through his high school days further developed an inquiry in the architectural delights of the building industry. Luckily, the high school he attended provided a unique elective selection that included CADD, Structural, and Architectural classes. The process provided a substantial amount of knowledge and further advanced Jeremy’s interest in architecture and the building of adequate and useable structures.

As college abruptly approached he decided that an architectural or engineering discipline that could utilize his 3.80 GPA and multitude of AP math and science classes would be of best interest. Undecided on which direction would be his best fit, he discussed his aspirations with college representatives and they advised him on a unique program that The Pennsylvania State University was offering. Always up for a challenge, Jeremy welcomed the opportunity and took voyage on a college experience that will be remembered for a lifetime. He plans on attaining a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering degree with an emphasis in the Construction Management option of the major. He is currently in his 5th year of schooling and plans to graduate May of 2007.

Working for The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, during the summer of 2005, gave him hands-on experience in the construction industry.  His position required him to occupy an assistant supervisor and managerial role. Overseeing the process of road repair, from bidding to close-out, has made him eager to graduate and begin a career that utilizes the management of a number of other construction projects. His career goals are based on the idea of “enjoying what you do and striving to be the best at whatever that may be.” He is looking forward to starting a profession with an organization that values honesty, teamwork, and equality. These values are what he believes will maximize not only the company’s potential, but also his own.

To view Jeremy's resume click below

Resume (.pdf)


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Jeremy

This Page was last updated on December 19, 2006 , By Jeremy Jewart and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005