Tyler Swartzwelder

Construction Management
Canton Crossing Tower
Baltimore, Maryland

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Thesis Progress Log


Date Announcement
4.17.07 Presented Senior Thesis Project to Faculty Members
4.9.07 Posted Final Report and Research Tools
4.6.07 Completed Senior Thesis Final Report
4.3.07 Met with Dr. Hanagan to check accuracy of Structural topics
4.3.07 Completed LEED Research Topic
4.2.07 Met with Dr. Riley to discuss results of LEED Research
4.2.07 Met with Dr. Horman to discuss results of LEED Research
3.15.07 Completed Technical Analysis 1 - Tower as Independent
3.4.07 Met with PSU AE Mechanical Option Student Erik Shearer for assistance on Technical Analysis 1
3.4.07 Talked with Gilbane PM Paul Schwarzenberg about Technical Analysis 1 Details
2.28.07 Completed Techical Analysis 2 - Caisson Redesign
2.26.07 Met with Dr. Schneider about caisson design
2.20.07 Met with Dr. Riley to discuss progress on LEED research
2.14.07 Contacted Liberty Property Trust to discuss LEED Research
2.7.07 Posted Revised Proposal
2.1.07 Contacted Superintendent about caisson research
1.31.07 Presented Progress Review to AE 482
12.16.06 Resubmitted Technical Assignment #3
12.11.06 Resubmitted Technical Assignment #2
12.8.06 Thesis Proposal Posted
12.1.06 Talked with Gilbane PM Paul Schwarzenberg about final proposal topics
11.30.06 Talked with Gilbane Senior General Superintendent Fred Neighoff about final proposal topics
11.14.06 Discussed research ideas about Canton Crossing with Gilbane PE Erin Sharkey at the Penn State AE Career Fair
11.14.06 Discussed LEED topics with LEED Certified Gilbane PM Mike Grobawski at the Penn State AE Career Fair
11.20.06 Technical Assignment #3 Posted
11.15.06 Discussed Industry Research Idea with Dr. Riley
11.11.06 Met with AE-CM Graduate Student Jason McFadden about reaserch topic ideas
11.10.06 Building Statistics II Posted
11.8.06 Conducted a telephone interview with Gilbane Regional Operations Manager Greg Dunkle regarded LEED issues for thesis
11.8.06 Met with Dr. Messner about Technical Research Ideas
10.30.06 Technical Assignment #2 Posted
10.12.06 Resubmitted Technical Assignment #1
10.13.06 Thesis Abstract Posted
10.2.06 Reviewed Building Statistics II with Prof. Holland and made revisions where he felt necessary

Technical Assignment #1 Posted

10.03.06 Personal Bio and Resume Posted
9.20.06 Building Statistics Posted
8.30.06 Started Senior Thesis Project


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on April 9, 2007 , By Tyler Swartzwelder and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005