Monjia Belizaire Construction Management City Hospital |
Welcome to Monjia Belizaire's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio!
Thesis ProposalThe thesis proposal found in the link above includes a summary of the technical and research analyses to be performed during the Spring 2008 semester. Breadth Study #1: Mechanical/Sustainability This technical analysis will consist of identifying four LEED® points that would explore different design and construction methods to encourage a Gold LEED® rating on the City Hospital project. The hospital is currently intending to be LEED® Silver certified. From the credits established initially for LEED® Gold rating, a detailed analysis would be conducted on WE Credit 6.2: Stormwater Design: Quality Control. Research options include implementing a stormwater management plan. Breadth Study #2: Electrical This technical analysis will consist of investigating the advantages of using a medium voltage generator (4160V) and what effects it will have on the emergency distribution system. The hospital is currently using (2) 2MW diesel powered generator at 480V as emergency power. The basis of my research is to determine which voltage would be advantageous in terms of cost, installation, support, etc.
Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | NSBE | Club Kreyol |
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This Page was last updated on February 11, 2008 , By Monjia Belizaire and is hosted by the AE Department ©2008 |