Progress Log

Date Announcement
4.30.06 CPEP Website Complete
4.11.06 I presented at 3:20! To the CAFE!!
4.3.06 Final Report Posted!!
3.13.06 Breadth studies started.
3.10.06 Wrapping up loose ends on structural design.
3.6-10.06 SRING BREAK!!
3.1.06 Finished the majority of structural design and submitted 2nd progress report for review.
2.25.06 RAM Concept research and model begins.
2.2.06 RAM Concept model complete.

Semester progress schedule posted.

Detailed January progress schedules posted.

1.15.06 Revised Proposal and Breadth Work Summaries Posted.
1.4.05 Penn State wins FedEx Orange Bowl!
12.9.05 Thesis Proposal and Breadth Work Summaries Posted.
12.1.05 Faculty Consultation
11.21.05 Technical Assignment 3 Complete & Posted
11.10.05 AE Career Fair
10.31.05 Technical Assignment 2 Complete & Posted
10.14.05 Site visit: still drilling piers
10.5.05 Technical Assignment 1 Complete & Posted
9.26.05 Thesis Abstract and Resume Posted
9.16.05 Building Statistics Posted
9.15.05 Techincal Assignments Assigned
8.30.05 Started 5th year course work


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 1, 2006 , By Elizabeth Hostutler and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005