Walter Nichols

Lighting/Electrical Option
Hawthorn Building
Penn State Altoona Campus

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Walt Nichols' AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments


Posted 9/16/05 Lighting Proposal Memo

In the lighting proposal memo, each space in my building was addressed individually. The report includes pictures, plans, preliminary research and ideas.

Technical Assignment 1

Posted 10/5/05 Executive Summary - Tech 1
Posted 10/5/05 Technical Assignment 1

Technical Assignment 1 was an analysis of the existing lighting conditions inside the Hawthorn Building. Analysis considering the following spaces: music room, main hallway, auditorium classroom, and computer labs. Lighting calculations were done using AGI32, and all model spaces were built using AutoCAD 2004. Power density requirements were also taken into consideration, and ASHRAE 90.1 was the standard used for these considerations.

Technical Assignment 2

Posted 10/31/05 Executive Summary - Tech 2
Posted 10/31/05 Technical Assignment 2

Technical Assignment 2 was an analysis of the existing electrical conditions of the Hawthorn Building. Analysis included: constructing a single line diagram, feeder research, transformer research, HVAC and motor research, and existing lighting research. All of this was used to calculate if the building was designed properly with respect to NEC full load calculations. The Hawthorn Building is indeed designed with the correct distribution system and has plenty of room for future growth.

Technical Assignment 3

Posted 11/21/05 Technical Assignment 3 - Power Point
Posted 11/21/05 Technical Assignment 3 - PDF

Technical Assignment 3 was a preliminary schematic lighting design for the Hawthorn Building. The goal of the design was to try and create decent solutions to the issues that should be addressed in the building. Presentations will be given at Lutron next month, and the schematic design will be redone with the input given by the professional designers there.

Lutron Comments

Posted 12/10/05 Lutron Comments - PDF
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This Page was last updated on April 30, 2006 , By Walt Nichols and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005