Technical Assignments
Lighting Proposal
The Lighting Proposal was a preliminary assignment to the first Technical Assignment. It contains a simple report on the four spaces that will be focused on in Technical Assignment 1 and the lighting design portion of my Thesis.
Lighting Proposal (PDF - 1.0MB)

Technical Assignment 1
The first Technical Assignment is a brief overview of the existing lighting systems in the New School of Business and Public Management on the George Washington University Campus. Including with the analysis of the lighting systems is a general overview of the luminaires, lighting controls, and power densities found with in the spaces. AGI was used to analysis existing conditions, and ASHRAE 90.1 standards and the IESNA lighting handbook was used to consulte design criteria. More information on this report can be found in the Executive Summary.
Executive Summary (PDF - .97KB)
Technical Assignment 1 (PDF - 2.69MB)

Technical Assignment 2
Technical ASsignment 2 was an analysis of the existing lighting systems in the new School of Business and Public Management on the Georg Washington University Campus. The analysis includes NEC based calculations on lighting, electrical, and mechanical loads with in the building, and then compared them to the existing conditions that are already present. More information on this particular assignment can be found in the Executive Summary.
Executive Summary (PDF - .97KB)
Technical Assignment 2 (PDF - 4.32MB)

Technical Assignment 3
The third Technical Assignment is a lighting design proposal that will be presented to a panel of principles at Lutron on Tuesday, December 6th. This proposal contains further evaluations of the four spaces that will be redesigned for my presentation, and my ideas on what will be redesigned. My proposal was posted origionally on November 21st, but I did not have all the data necessary to complete the propsoal to my satisfaction. The proposal linked below in ppt and pdf format is the one that will be presented at Lutron.
Technical Assignment 3 (PDR - 5.3 MB)
Technical Assignment 3 (PDF - 3.51MB)

Lutron Comments

I presented my lighting design proposal, the contents of my third Technial Assignment, to a panel of professional lighting designers on December 6th. In general, my lighting design was accepted, but my presentation was lacking. I credit a lot of this to the fact that I did not have a lot of time to practice my presentation, and that will be adjusted before I present my final project. I've provided a link below that will take you to the comments from the lighting designer panel.

Lutron Comments

This Page was last updated on October 20, 2005 , By Brad Hartman and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005

User Note:
Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work-in-progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Brad Hartman. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.