ABET Outcome Survey
ABET Outcome Survey
ABET Outcomes for AE 481W/482 |
Outcome not able to be assessed (Score of 0) |
Level of ability demonstrated but below acceptable (Score of 1) |
Minimum acceptable level of ability demonstrated (Score of 2) |
More than minimum level of ability demonstrated (Score of 3) |
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |
b. An ability to analyze and interpret data |
c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs |
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility |
g. An ability to communicate effectively |
h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context |
i. An ability to engage in life-long learning |
j. A knowledge of contemporary issues |
k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice |
o. Engineering design capabilities in at least two (2) of the (3) basic curriculum areas of architectural engineering, and that design has been integrated across the breadth of the program |
p. Communication and interaction with other design professionals in the execution of building projects |
AE 481W/482 Course Reflection
Senior Thesis was a great experience over the last two semesters. The fall brought many many challenges including how to network with professionals in order to obtain building drawings. Also, advanced analysis procedures had to be investigated on our own since the course offered very little direction in terms how to go about studying the building. The fall semester helped to introduce the professional side of our soon to be careers but tied well into the college curriculum.
spring semester really threw each of us into time managements, since the course was not as structured as in the fall, and also made us really heavily on being able to speak with other students, faculty, and industry professionals. The presentations were great to watch, since most of the technical issues that other students studied were unknown.
Overall the course-work that was done over the last school year was both challenging and rewarding.
The thesis advisors could not have been more helpful and always had and answer to what seemed to be the most difficult of questions. More knowledge was obtained in this course than any other course in the curriculum and should provided a solid stepping stone into the professional world.
CPEP & Discussion Board Reflection
The Capstone portfolio's helped to showcase the work we have completed over the last 9 months. They were a great way to keep in touch with our advisors and kept communication lines open between not only faculty and staff, but also with industry professionals and peers. To be honest it does not seem possible to manage the information in any other format.
The discussion board was actually much more helpful than originally expected. Almost every question was answered thoroughly only hours after being asked. This was probably the most valuable gateway of communication throughout the year.