welcome to j. david maino's ae senior thesis e-portfolio
j. david maino
Dave is currently in his fifth year of Architectural Engineering at Penn State, specializing in Lighting and Electrical systems design. He will graduate in May with both a Bachelors and Masters in Architectural Engineering.
Technical abilities in science and math along with his strong love for art led Dave to the AE program. An internship in high school with the Hillier Group gave him an intense appreciation for architecture and the design process which he was able to utilize in his various studio classes at Penn State. Wishing to continue his experience in the building industry, subsequent internships with Giffin Interior & Fixture in Pittsburgh, Envision Engineers in Nashville, and Integrated Design Associates in Santa Clara led to a broader understanding of the building industry and the role that subcontractors and engineers play in the design and construction processes. During his time at each company, Dave was exposed to a variety of project types and was placed in charge of lighting, daylighting, and electrical system design on several small and medium size projects for Integrated Design Associates.
In his free time, Dave finds himself leading the student chapter of the IES as its president. He is also involved in the Penn State Go club and enjoys playing soccer and frisbee when State College weather permits. Dave also tries to pass along his love of the AE program to incoming students by serving as an AE Envoy, representing his class at various open houses and prospective student visits.
Dave recently passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and will be persuing his PE once he obtains his degree. Currently, he is also persuing his LEED, AP certification as well as Lighting Certification. Also of interest to Dave is the business aspect of the building industry and he hopes to obtain his MBA after spending some time in the industry.