welcome to j. david maino's ae senior thesis e-portfolio

Progress Log

Date Announcement
10.22.05 updated proposal page with my overall proposal
11.21.05 updated tech assignments page with tech 3
10.31.05 updated tech assignments page and posted tech 2
10.22.05 updated tech assignments page with a revised version of tech 1
10.5.05 updated tech assignments page and posted tech 1
9.26.05 abstract posted in high and low resolution versions
9.21.05 updated bio page and posted resume
9.10.05 website posted and bio updated
9.9.05 completed building statistics assignment








1 – Finalize models for daylight studies

2 – Finalize models for daylight studies

3 – Finalize models for daylight studies

4 – convert models to Radiance Format, input materials

5 – prepare sun types for each day and time of day

6 – run daylighting calcs

7 – run daylighting calcs

8 – run daylighting calcs

9 – run daylighting calcs

10 – gather data and analyze; run electric lighting calcs

11 – gather data and analyze; run electric lighting calcs

12 – gather data and analyze; run electric lighting calcs

13 – gather data and analyze; run electric lighting calcs

14 – do initial LEED points analysis; run electric lighting calcs

15 – run electric lighting calcs

16 – gather data and analyze

17 – gather data and analyze

18 – gather data and analyze

19 – gather data and analyze

20 – gather data and analyze

21 – gather data and analyze

22 – Preliminary cogen analysis

23 – research alternative cogen solutions

24 – research alternative cogen solutions

25 – investigate power output and voltage change

26 – investigate power output and voltage change

27 – finalize cogen solution

28finalize cogen solution

29 – investigate changing voltage

30 – investigate changing voltage

31 – redesign system to utilize 480/277V

senior thesis | the pennsylvania state university | architectural engineering | ae lab | contact j. david maino |
this page was last updated on september 8, 2005 , by j. david maino and is hosted by the ae department ©2005