Kristin Ruth

Structural Option
The Regent
Arlington, VA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Kristin Ruth's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments



The scope of this proposal includes a redesign of existing the steel structure of The Regent using a one-way, wide module, concrete joist system with cast-in-place framing. The lateral force resisting system will be changed from steel braced frames to a series of concrete shearwalls to resist the lateral forces. The applied loads, both gravity and lateral, will be optimized according to IBC 2000. The breadth analyses will cover construction management, mechanical, fire protection, and acoustics.

          Proposal (Original 12-12-05)

          Proposal (Revised 1-13-06)

          Breadth Analyses

          Executive Summary (Original 12-12-05)

          Executive Summary (Revised 1-13-06)

          Thesis Work Schedule

          January Work Schedule

Technical Assignment 1


Technical Assignment 1 includes a detailed description of the existing structural system and the calculations and results of a preliminary structural analysis of the existing structural system.

          Technical Report 1

          Executive Summary

Technical Assignment 2


Technical Assignement 2 provides an overview of the existing structural system, focusing on the existing typical floor framing system. It also includes the preliminary designs of four other alternative floor framing systems. The four alternative floor framing system designs are compared among each other and to the existing floor framing system. From results of these preliminary designs and comparisons, alternative floor framing systems are selected to be studied further as possible design alternatives to the existing floor framing system.

          Technical Report 2

          Executive Summary

Technical Assignment 3


Technical Assignment 3 focuses on the lateral system analysis and confirmation design. The controlling lateral loads are calculated and distributed to the lateral load resisting elements of the lateral system. The lateral system is then analyzed for strength, drift, story drift, and overturning. Computer modeling is used and the results are compared to hand calculations, industry standards, and the existing structural design.

          Technical Report 3

          Executive Summary


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Kristin Ruth |
This Page was last updated on January 24, 2006 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005