Steven Puchek

Cathedral Place
Milwaukee, WI

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio

Final Report

Here is the Final Report in all of it's fabulous spendor. It has been posted in full, and is quite large (>25MB) so only download if you dare. Individual sections are listed below as well. They are of a much more managable size. Considering whomever-you-are is not interested in the entire report (unless you want to download it and keep it forever and ever, because it is thorough and, for lack of a better word, awesome) I would suggest trying those links first.



Cover Page - (1,498 kB)

Thesis Abstract - (3,386 kB)

Table of Contents - (116kB)

Executive Summary - (93 kB)

Project Background - (286 kB)

Existing Conditions - (227 kB)

Architectural Breadth - (149 kB)

Structural Breadth - (265 kB)

Lighting Depth - (14,174 kB)

Electrical Depth - (147 kB)

Mechanical Breadth - (150 kB)

Conclusion - (91 kB)

References - (92 kB)

Acknowledgements - (102 kB)

Architectural Appendix - (101 kB)

Structural Appendix - (234 kB)

Lighting Appendix - (4,561 kB)

Electrical Appendix - (1,400 kB)

Mechanical Appendix - (246 kB)



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This page was last updated on April 6, 2006 , By Steven Puchek and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005