Jennifer Gabrielle Curley

Franklin Care Center
Franklin Lakes, NJ

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Jennifer's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Thesis Abstract

The Franklin Care Center is an existing elderly care facility in Franklin Lakes, NJ. It is currently in the design phase of renovation and an addition. The new Franklin Care Center will be a two story building with cellar, approximately 150,000 sqft total building area. A good portion of the building will be composed of patient rooms. A small section of the building will be used for administrated purposes, including, offices, conference rooms, telecommunication rooms, and a reception area. Patient medical services will be located on the fist floor, and will include exam rooms, a surgical suite, x-ray room, therapy areas, and a pool for aqua therapy. However, the Franklin Care Center is not just a medical institution, it is a home for the occupants of the patient rooms. To create a better living environment various social areas are provided in the building. There are a number of lounges, a dining room, café, cathedral, beauty shop, gift shop, greenhouse and courtyard, all provided on site. With a large variety of areas, the Franklin Care Center can provide medical services while offering the elderly a comfortable home to live in.

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