Arnon L. Bazemore

Construction Management
The Sears Centre Arena
Prairie Stone Business Park
Hoffman Estates, Illinois

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

"Arnon's Bio Sketch"

Arnon's Bio Sketch PDF

From his early beginnings in Jamaica Queens, New York; Arnon has always been intrigued with urban development. By his freshman year, Arnon had acquired a taste for drafting and sought to become an Urban Planner by means of Architecture. He has a long term ambition to improve urban landscapes through integration of functional aesthetics into building and infrasture construction practices. In 1999, Arnon enrolled in The Pennsylvania State University, where he was introduced to a viable alternative in Architectural Engineering that married his love for urban planning with engineering. His creed is that - "Effective developers ought to have been successful project managers." Since then he has spent (3) summers working with the Columbia, MD based developer The Rouse Company, (Now General Growth Properties - GGP, Chicago). He worked as a project management intern on a variety of commercial tenant improvement projects with that organization. One of his last tasks with The Rouse Company included coordinating and tracking the White Marsh Mall capital improvement renovation in north Baltimore, MD. The project consisted of a joint effort by The Rouse Company, as the owner's representative and Whiting-Turner as the general contractor. This past year Arnon completed a year long cooperative educational experience with Ryan Companies US, Inc. design build firm's Midwest division. The experience afforded him the chance to diversify his construction management experience portfolio. While working with Ryan Companies as an associate project manager he completed a $ 211,000 Illinois Dept. of Transportation turning lane expansion for the Naperville, IL Super Target Store. In addition to his cooperative educational experience, Arnon has served as a campus college student coordinator with The Pennsylvania State University Multicultural Engineering Program. His role as student coordinator included contact and facilitation with other minority students through out the forty-six Penn State campus colleges which he one time attended. He intends to utilize his Penn State student experience to encourage other minority students and students in general pursuing similar educational paths.


To view Arnon's qualifications click here

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Arnon Bazemore |
This Page was last updated on April 23, 2006 , By Arnon and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005