Arnon L. Bazemore

Construction Management
The Sears Centre Arena
Prairie Stone Business Park
Hoffman Estates, Illinois

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Arnon Bazemore's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Thesis Research

Research Tool #1 "C-2I-DS-2I" Interview Questionnaire

Integrated Delivery Systems Interest Indicator

Participating Contracting Entities:

Ryan Companies US, Inc. (completed questionnaire)

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. (completed questionnaire)

Centex Construction Company (completed questionnaire)

Barton Malow Company (completed questionnaire)

Research Tool #2 "Integrated Delivery Systems Research"

The integrated delivery models researched for this thesis are Public-Private-Partnerships, Build-Operate-Transfer Models and Design-Build-Operate-Maintain Methods. Research will be geared toward analyzing the current delivery method used for the project conditions. Information obtained from evaluation will be applied to the project development conditions of the Sears Centre. Sources will include infrastructure projects, medical and business park projects and etc.

Public Private Partnership Research Resources

(1) Arkansas School of Facility Management/ Section 1: Policies and Procedures

(2) P3 Overview of Public Private Partnership/ Yukon Economic Development

(3) Federal Highway Administration "Approach to Public Private Partnerships"

Build Operate Transfer Research Resources

(1) Risk Analysis of a "Build-Operate-Transfer" BOT for PowerPlants

(2) Convergys Delivery Models Build Operate and Transfer Programs

(3) Case Studies on Build Operate Transfer, Delft University of Technology

Design Build Operate Maintain Research Resources

(1) Finnish Road System - Pekka Pakkala "Innovative Project Delivery Structure for Infrastructure"

(2) Seattle Monorail Project - "The Inside Track"

(3) "DBOM at Glance" Seattle Monorail Project

(4) Design-Build-Finance-Operate -Tranfer Approaches by James Smith

(5) Independent Evaluation of Alternative Approaches related to Operations & Maintenance Components of Seattles "Green-Line" Monorail Project

(6) McGraw-Hill CONSRUCTION Northwest Construction - Sources & Archives

Research Tool #3 "Ice-Rink Analysis Research"

Ice-rink resesrch will be analyzed for best practices and procedures in facilities operations. Due to the fact that majority of the premise for the Sears Centre operations focuses on ice-rink operatations, information will focus on obtaining cost maximizing strategies for Value Engineering Asssements.

(1) SMUD - Sacramento Municipality Utility District (Technology Brief) "The Coolerado Cooler."

(2) Toromont Refrigeration

(3) Jet Ice Corporation Water Demineralizer Technologies

(4) "How Ice-Rink Works"



Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Arnon Bazemore |
This Page was last updated on April 23, 2006 , By Arnon Bazemore and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005