Arnon L. Bazemore

Construction Management
The Sears Centre Arena
Prairie Stone Business Park
Hoffman Estates, Illinois

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Arnon's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Thesis Proposal

Construction Management Depth

Component #1 "DBOM" Preferred PDS for large scale commercial projects

Analysis will detail and document all project constraints, contracts cost reporting and fiscal issues associated with the DBOM PDS. Research is intended to highlight all benefits for using this delivery system for large cost and time sensitive projects. A project selection tree will be creating from (5) to (7) projects of similar use. These various projects will form the frame work used to determine the general requirements and conditions which warrant this PDS. The expected results are that both owners and construction entities will selected the same method after evaluating the affect of this PDS on inherent project conditions.

Component #2 Recapturing pre-cast manufacturing and procurement cost by using union installed cast-in-place concrete

Concrete production for large scale projects are controlled by union labor prices. Pre-cast concrete is the preferred placement method in the Chicago area. To determine the validity of pre-cast concrete selections, union and non-union installation rates will be compared on an individual cost basis. Cost for union installed CIP concrete will offset manufacturing and procurement cost for non-union suppliers, thus recapturing recapturing all associated pre-cast cost.

Breadth Topic # 1: Re-evaluating Envelope System with pre-manufactured masonry assemblies

Pre-manufactured masonry assemblies will be analyzed as an alternative to the current (5) component envelope system. Masonry assemblies will be evaluated as an effort to reduce the complexity of the current system and reduce variation in bulk orders. In addition to reduction in envelope complexity, masonry assemblies will be analyzed to provide supplemental building weight and loading to reduce the occurrence of overturning in the buildings foundation system.

Breadth Topic # 2: Evaluation of "Best Practices" for ice-rink construction/ System Waste Recovery

The implication of Short Interval Production Schedules can provided additional opportunity for schedule acceleration in ice-rink construction. The plumbing distribution system for the arena floor has several long span elements which can be installed simultaneously. Time saved in schedule compression can be used for system testing and implementation of a waste (brine) recovery system.

Proposal Executive Summary

Breadth Executive Summary

Thesis Proposal

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Arnon Bazemore |
This Page was last updated on April 23, 2006 , By Arnon L. Bazemore and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005