Welcome to Jayme's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio
Technical Assignments
The Ventilation Rate Procedure from ASHRAE 62-2001 Addendum N was used to determine the ventilation rate of the Philadelphia School District Administration Headquarters. Contained in this report is an analysis of each air handling unit and whether or not the units comply with the new ASHRAE Standard 62-2001 Addendum n.
A plant and energy analysis of the mechanical systems in the Philadelphia School District Administration Headquarters was completed in this assignment. This report includes evaluation of the as a "green building" using LEED certification guidelines. It also includes building envelope and building lighting analysis, mechanical system first cost and rentable lost space calculations, energy usage and operating cost assessments, emissions estimate, and a load analysis.
A systems analysis was done on PSD Administration Headquarters. Schematics of the systems and schedules of the equipment were investigated with a description of each system. The mechanical system is a VAV system with 17 new DX self-contained packaged air handling units, each with an economizer coil for water-side free cooling. Two pumps at 4371 gpm (one for stand-by) provide condenser water to the air handling units from a two-celled 1500 ton cooling tower located on the roof of the 5th Floor. Heating of core space is provided by electric heating coils within the air handling units and heating of lobbies and toilet rooms is provided by electrical cabinet heaters, unit heaters, and strip heaters.
During the Spring Semester, I will be recalculating the heating and cooling loads within the Philadelphia School District Administration Headquarters. Once this is done, the same equipment will be used to analyze the energy and cost savings due to a reduced load. Research on designing a chiller plant will be conducted with the hope of designing a central chiller plant for the building. Steam heat will also be analyzed.
With all building systems integrated, I would like to explore the electrical side of these systems. Resizing equipment and comparing cost will be one focus of the breadth work. Another will be constructability. Are there better places to locate the current air handling units? And where can the chiller plant be located without causing noise problems?