Mathew Nirenberg

MQtropolis at Dadeland
Miami, FL

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


Progress Log


Date Announcement
4.11.06 Present Thesis
4.3.06 Post Final Report
3.30.06 Finilizing Thesis Report
1.13.06 Update Proposal
12.12.05 Proposal
12.11.05 Resubmit Tech 3
11.21.05 Technical Assignment 3
10.30.05 Technical Assignment 2
10.5.05 Techincal Assignment 1
9.19.05 Building Statistics
8.30.05 Started Thesis


Proposed Semester Schedule (with progress updates)

Week Activity
1/9 - 1/14
Layout Column Grid
1/15 - 1/21
First Iteration of Steel Floor Member Sizes
1/22 - 1/28
Build Model for Gravity Loads
1/29 - 2/4
Check Building for various Load Patterns
2/5 - 2/11
Apply Lateral Loads to the Model
2/12 - 2/18
Design Lateral System
2/19 - 2/25
Refine Lateral and Gravity Members (including servicability)
2/26 - 3/4
3/5 - 3/11
Spring Break
3/12 - 3/18
Analyze / Design Lighting Layout
3/19 - 3/25
Compare Costs and Efficiencies as Related to Breadth 2
3/26 - 4/1
Write Report and Design Presentation
4/2 - 4/8
Tie-Up Loose Ends
4/10 - 4/14
Presentation Week
4/17 - 4/21

Detailed January Schedule

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact MATHEW |
This Page was last updated on March 30, 2006 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005