Living Learning Communities for Engineering Students

If you’re interested in living on campus while studying at University Park, you may want to consider one of the three engineering Living Learning Communities.

Living in one of these locations is a great way to meet friends with the same interests and academic programs, learn more about engineering and engineering careers, and benefit from academic and social programs. These living options are typically located on designated floors or in designated sections of particular residence halls, and participation in the special academic and social activities is expected of all residents. Programming includes tutoring, career development activities, and much more.

Placement in these living learning communities is determined by student application and according to the rules and practices of the particular housing location.

Engineering House (E-House)

Engineering House (E-House) is located in McKee Hall in the West Housing Area and is only available to undergraduate students in the College of Engineering, regardless of semester standing and is co-ed by wing. Programs in E-House include a variety social, professional, and academic activities that are of particular interest and relevance to College of Engineering students. Students wishing to live in E-House must make a commitment to participate in the activities (academic and social) that make it a distinctive living/learning experience. First year students living in E-House have an opportunity to complete their first-year seminar requirement with other E-House residents. More information about this option will be provided to students once selected to live in E-House. Please note: Returning E-House residents who maintain the required activity level have priority for returning to E-House. Learn more »

First Year in Science and Engineering House (FISE House)

The First Year in Science and Engineering House (FISE House) is located in Ritner Hall in the Pollock Housing Area. FISE House is available only to first-year students. Students from FISE House are eligible (not guaranteed) to move to E-House in their second and subsequent years; alternatively, they may choose other housing options. Learn more »

Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) House

The Women In Science & Engineering House (WISE House) is located in Thompson Hall in the West Housing Area and designed to actively promote an equitable and inclusive Living Learning Community for residents pursuing undergraduate degrees in science and engineering. As members of WISE House, residents benefit from community programming and academic support while living and learning with others pursuing similar academic course loads and fields of study. WISE House receives advising and support from the Penn State Women in Engineering Program (WEP). First-year WISE House Residents within the College of Engineering will have the opportunity to enroll in the WISE First Year Seminar. WISE House is open to undergraduates of any year, with preference given to students in the College of Agricultural Sciences, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Health and Human Development, College of Information Sciences and Technology, and Eberly College of Science.

Application for the Engineering Living Learning Communities

Accepted College of Engineering students planning to attend University Park who want to apply for one of these Living Learning Communities, should note that it is a two-step process:

  • Step 1: Complete the College of Engineering application by May 20 (Application is closed for Fall 2024).
  • Step 2: Once the student as accepted their admission offer, they should indicate their preference for E-House, FISE House, or WISE House on the Housing and Food Services Contract in eLiving.

Transfer Students

Students who are transferring to the University Park campus must first request a housing contract and specifically note their preference for E-House, FISE House, or WISE.

Other Living Learning Communities

There are also a variety of non-engineering-oriented living learning communities at University Park that may be of interest to incoming or continuing students. Students who are attending campuses other than University Park should contact Housing, Food Services, and Residence Life for information about housing options at their campus of choice.

For questions about this process, please email