Visit Penn State Engineering
A great way to decide if Penn State Engineering is right for you is to visit us! Please note, the College of Engineering is unable to accommodate individual visits. Choose from an engineering-specific visit or attend one of the university-wide events below. You can sign up for these programs, as available, on the Penn State Admissions website.
College of Engineering Prospective Student Visits (PSV)
Hosted by the College of Engineering at University Park during the fall and spring semesters, these visits are customized to your interests and include an engineering facilities tour led by a current student tour guide from the ESTAR (Engineering Student Tours and Resources) student group. Upon registration, prospective students will have the opportunity to select sessions led by our undergraduate majors, minors, and more.
The schedule for our PSVs will be updated in August for the fall semester and early December for the spring semester. To register for these visits, please visit the College of Engineering event calendar.
University-wide Visits:
Undergraduate Admissions Information Session and Campus Tour
Hosted by the Office of Admissions, the Admissions Session and Tour is for prospective high school students who are interested in learning more about Penn State and the application process. Your visit will include an information session presented by an admissions counselor and a general campus walking tour. To register for these visits, please visit the university-wide event calendar.
Spend a Summer Day
Spend a Summer Day, Penn State’s main summer visit program enables future students and their families to explore campus and attend information sessions about various topics, including the undergraduate admissions process, financial aid, and academic colleges.
The College of Engineering offers a general information session and the opportunity to learn about each of our majors as a part of the full-day program for the Spend a Summer Day programs held at University Park each July/August. To register for these visits, please visit the university-wide event calendar.
Penn State Day
Penn State Day takes place early in the fall semester and is a chance for those unable to visit over the summer to learn more about the undergraduate admissions process, financial aid, and academic colleges, and to explore campus. The College of Engineering offers a college overview. To register for these visits, please visit the university-wide event calendar.
Scholars Day
The Schreyer Honors College admissions office presents Scholars Day, a comprehensive look at the Schreyer Honors College and Penn State, in the fall and spring. To learn more, please visit the Schreyer Honors College website.
Admitted Student Events
Hosted by the Office of Admissions, students who receive an offer of admission from Penn State will be invited to attend one of many admitted student events (ASE) hosted from mid-February through April. This full-day visit includes all the information you’ll need to make an informed decision about your offer. As part of the program, the College of Engineering will host a college overview session and engineering-specific facilities tour led by the ESTAR student group.
To learn more and to register, please visit the Admitted Student Events website.