Scholarship Details

Churchill Scholarship

Application Deadline:





The Churchill Scholarship provides funding to American students for a year of Master’s study in science, mathematics, and engineering at the University of Cambridge, based at Churchill College. The Scholarship was set up at the request of Sir Winston Churchill in order to fulfill his vision of US-UK scientific exchange with the goal of advancing science and technology on both sides of the Atlantic, helping to ensure our future prosperity and security. Churchill Scholars receive funding for one year of graduate study, including tuition, stipend, and travel expenses.


U.S. citizen
Senior or recent alumnus/a
Between 19 and 26 years old
3.7 GPA or higher (3.8 or higher, highly recommended)
Demonstrate research excellence

Terms of Award:

Duration of Award: Full Year or More

Given that the university is required to nominate its candidates, there is an office application deadline and a campus evaluation process.

To be considered for University nomination, you must submit the materials listed above to our office via InfoReady. Afterward, you will be notified if you’ve been nominated or not. Nominees will have a chance to revise their materials, if necessary, prior to final submission. Nominees will spend the summer working with the office on the application materials required by the Churchill Foundation.

Please Submit:

Application Materials:

One essay (750-1000 words) indicating your academic and other relevant interests, including a brief statement matching current academic background to proposed course of study
Indication of scholarship(s) for which you wish to be nominated
Two letters of recommendation addressed to the campus evaluation committee
List of additional letter writers and brief descriptions of the contexts in which you know each
6-8 additional writers for Rhodes
3-5 additional writers for Marshall, Mitchell and Churchill
Curriculum vitae or resume

For more information: Director of University Fellowships Office

Online Application: