Photo of Sayed M. Soleimani

Sayed M. Soleimani

Adjunct Instructor


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

208 ECoRE Building





Journal Articles

  • Martin Jaeger, Desmond Adair and Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2023, "Multi-Criteria Evaluation of eLearning Attributes using the Fuzzy TOPSIS Method", International Journal of Engineering Education, 39, (1), pp. 241-251
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2023, "The Integration of Digital Techniques in Engineering Education: A Case Study to Evaluate Student’s Motivation and Performance", International Journal of Information and Education Technolog, 13, (5), pp. 844-848
  • Mohamad Iyad Al-Khiami, Martin Jaeger, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Andulhadi Kazem, 2023, "Enhancing concrete structures education: Impact of virtual reality on motivation, performance and usability for undergraduate engineering students", Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, pp. 1-20
  • A. Sedaghat, H. Salem, W.K. Hussam, A. Mahdizadeh, M.I. Al-Khiami, M. Ashtian Malayer, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, M. Sabati, R. Narayanan, M. Rasul and M.M.K. Khan, 2023, "Exploring energy-efficient building solutions in hot regions: A study on bio-phase change materials and cool roof coatings", Journal of Building Engineering, 76 (107258), pp. 20 pages
  • A. Sedaghat, A. Mahdizadeh, R. Narayanan, H. Salem, W.K. Hussam, M.I. Al-Khiami, M. Ashtian Malayer, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, M. Sabati, M. Rasul and M.M.K. Khan, 2023, "Implementing Cool Roof and Bio-PCM in Portable Cabins to Create Low-Energy Buildings Suitable for Different Climates", Sustainability, 15 (14700), pp. 24 pages
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Martin Jaeger, Alanoud Faheiman and Abdel Rahman Alaqqad, 2022, "Success Factors of Recently Implemented eLearning Methods at Higher Education Institutions in Kuwait", Quality in Higher Education, pp. 13
  • Reza Soleimanpour, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Mariam Salem, 2022, "A baseline free method for locating imperfect bolted joints", Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, 9, (3), pp. 237-258
  • Reza Soleimanpour, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Naser Khaled Mohammad, 2022, "Damage detection and localization in loose bolted joints", Procedia Structural Integrity, 37, pp. 956-963
  • Reza Soleimanpour and Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2022, "Scattering analysis of linear and nonlinear symmetric Lamb wave at cracks in plates", Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 37, (4), pp. 439-463
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari, Nemkumar Banthia, Abdel Rahman Alaqqad, Nasser Mohammad and Adel Jumaah, 2021, "Analytical and experimental study of using recycled tire products in pavement-grade concrete suited for hot weather climates", Construction and Building Materials, 312 (125343)
  • N. Ghareeb, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, M. Farhat and K. Khanafer, 2021, "Analytical and Numerical Calculations of Deformation in Piezoelectric Bimorphs with Variable Piezo-thicknesses", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 6, (2), pp. 29-35
  • Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Sameer A Hamoush, 2021, "Analytical study of the effects of opening characteristics and plate thickness on the performance of sinusoidal and trapezoidal corrugated steel plate shear walls", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 182, (21)
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Abdel Rahman Alaqqad, Adel Jumaah, Nasser Mohammad and Alanoud Faheiman, 2021, "Incorporation of Recycled Tire Products in Pavement-Grade Concrete: An Experimental Study", Crystals, 11, (2), pp. 161
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Abdel Rahman Alaqqad, Adel Jumaah and Abdulaziz Majeed, 2020, "Examining the Effects of Introducing and Combining Electric-Arc Furnace Slag and Ceramic Waste in a Single Self-Consolidating, High-Strength Concrete Mix", Applied Sciences, 10, (14), pp. 4844
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, A. Faheiman and Z. Mowaze, 2020, "The effects of using crumb rubber modified binder in an asphalt pavement", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13, (2), pp. 237-253
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Abdel Rahman Alaqqad, Ali Behbehani, Mhd Hazem Al-Swwaf and Najem Al-Matroud, 2020, "Viability of Using Local Waste Materials in the Production of High-Performance and Self-Compacting Concrete", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13, (1), pp. 1-9
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari, 2019, "Analytical study of reinforced concrete beams tested under quasi-static and impact loadings", Applied Sciences, 9, (14), pp. 16 pages
  • Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari, Sameer A. Hamoush, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Rahmat Madandoust, 2019, "Evaluation of large-size reinforced concrete columns strengthened for axial load using fiber reinforced polymers", Engineering Structures, 178, pp. 680-693
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Andrew J. Boyd, Andrew J.K. Komar and Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari, 2019, "Fatigue in concrete under low-cycle tensile loading using a pressure-tension apparatus", Applied Sciences, 9, (16), pp. 3217
  • Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari, Sameer A. Hamoush, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Taher Abu-Lebdeh and Mona HaghighiFar, 2018, "Analytical study of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by FRP bars subjected to impact loading conditions", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11, (2), pp. 407-425
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Nader H Ghareeb and Nourhan H. Shaker, 2018, "Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Steel Sandwich Panels under Blast Loading", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11, (3), pp. 1130-1140
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Nemkumar Banthia, 2014, "A novel drop weight impact setup for testing reinforced concrete beams", Experimental Techniques, 38, (3), pp. 72-79
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Nemkumar Banthia, 2012, "Shear strengthening of RC beams using sprayed glass fiber reinforced polymer", Advances in Civil Engineering, 2012, pp. 20 pages
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and N. Banthia, 2011, "Impact Resistance of Scaled Reinforced Concrete Beams", Journal of Indian Concrete Institute, 12, (3), pp. 23-34
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Nemkumar Banthia, 2011, "Impact resistance of shear-strengthened RC beams with sprayed GFRP", GEOMATE Journal, 1, (2), pp. 83-87
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and N Banthia, 2010, "Reinforced concrete beams under impact loading and influence of a GFRP coating", Int. Rev. Civ. Eng, 1, (1), pp. 68-77
  • Fariborz Majdzadeh, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Nemkumar Banthia, 2006, "Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams with a fiber concrete matrix", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33, (6), pp. 726-734
  • Nemkumar Banthia and Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2005, "Flexural response of hybrid fiber-reinforced cementitious composites", ACI Materials journal, 102, (6), pp. 382-389

Conference Proceedings

  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, N.K. Mohammad, A.R. Alaqqad, A. Jumaah and T. Afrasiab, 2022, "Effect of Incorporating Shredded and Crumbed Rubber in Pavement-Grade Concrete on Elasticity and Toughness Moduli",\_Proceedings/files/paper/ICSECT/ICSECT\_131.pdf, (ICSECT-131)
  • Reza Soleimanpour, Alex Ng, Abbas Amini and Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2021, "Application of nonlinear guided waves for detecting loose flanged bolted joints in pipelines", Springer International Publishing, pp. 129--139
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and M. Jaeger, 2021, "Development of Student Sustainability Awareness, Attitudes and Actions",, pp. 14--25
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, A Alaqqad, T Afrasiab, A Jumaah, A Behbehani, A Majeed, MH AlSawwaf and S AlMuhanna, 2020, "A sustainable solution for ceramic and steel wastes in Self-consolidating, high-performance concrete", IOP Publishing, 588, pp. 042062
  • M. Jaeger, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, M. Zhunussova and D. Adair, 2020, "CFD Modeling of Air Pollution within an Inner City Built Environment", pp. 23-32
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Abdel Rahman Alaqqad, Tahir Afrasiab, Adel Jumaah, Ali Behbehani, Abdulaziz Majeed, Mohamad Hazem Al-Swwaf and Sarah Al-Muhanna, 2020, "Utilization of Local Waste Materials in High-Performance and Self-Compacting Concrete", Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 990, pp. 18--28
  • Abdullah Mughrabi, Martin Jaeger and Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2017, "Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Assign Weights to Project Based Learning Outcomes", pp. 547-557
  • Shervin Khazaeli, Laura Manolache and Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2017, "Bond Graph Based Bayesian Network (BGBN) for Damage Diagnosis in Structural Health Monitoring", Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, California, USA
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari, 2015, "Analytical study of reinforced concrete beams tested under impact loading"
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and NADER GHAREEB, 2015, "Finite Element Analysis and Modeling of Steel Beams under Blast Loading"
  • C. Schaper, D. Kennedy, D. Harvey and Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, 2010, "Pitt River Cable-Stayed Bridge Case Study", Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 2010 [ISBN: 1617389900, 9781617389900], 1
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, N Banthia and S Mindess, 2007, "Behavior of RC beams under impact loading: some new findings", 2, pp. 867--874
  • Sayed Mohamad Soleimani, Nemkumar Banthia and Sidney Mindess, 2007, "Sprayed GFRP shear-strengthened reinforced concrete Beams under Impact Loading", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 279--286
  • R Gupta, F Majdzadeh, Sayed Mohamad Soleimani and N Banthia, 2002, "Hybrid fiber reinforced concrete (HyFRC) for bridges", pp. 297--304

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Committee Member, Strategic Action Committee, September 2023
  • Committee Work, Committee Member, COE Sustainability Committee, September 2023
  • Committee Work, Committee Member, Undergraduate Program Committee, August 2022

Service to External Organizations: