Spring 2024 EE Colloquium

Abstract: Power electronics serve as the interface between the power grid and end users. The motivation for designing new power electronic converters typically arises from the end user. New converter designs emerge as a response to the needs of specific application scenarios brought forth by these end users. Power converters then adhere to these requirements, facilitating the transfer of power from the grid to consumers. With the increasing involvement of renewable energy resources in power generation through power electronics, grids with high penetration of renewable energy introduce new demands for power converters. In contrast to conventional end users, the requirements from the grid are more diverse and, consequently, more challenging. This presentation begins by exploring conventional power converter design and control rules, transitioning from considerations inspired by end-users to those inspired by the grid. New challenges and possible solutions for future grid-tied converters will be discussed.

Bio: Yunting Liu (Member, IEEE) earned her Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Michigan State University, Michigan, USA, in 2019. In August 2022, she joined The Pennsylvania State University as an Assistant Professor. Before her joining Penn State, she was an Assistant Professor at Michigan Technological University from 2021 to 2022 and held the position of Post-Doctoral Research Associate at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, from 2019 to 2021. Her research focuses on electric power conversion, multilevel converters, converter design, and their interfaces with renewable and distributed energy resources. Dr. Yunting Liu received the NSF CAREER Award in 2024 in recognition of her contributions in converter modulation.


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